Thursday, January 31, 2013

Uncle John's Unique Heat Pump System


Here is a brief description of Uncle John's Heat Pump/Solar Energy system that will generate electricity so John can eventually run his electric car , save energy and the world.   The headquarters of his plan is centered in his basement.  In the picture above John is standing where the water from the heat exchange pump system comes in from outside the house (from a depth of 7-8 ft) and enters the basement.  From there it runs through the heat pumps. Passive heat exchange is also utilized to minimize power consumed by the heat pump compressors. Computerized components run and monitor the system.
Geothermal tubing installation

Non-chemical sulfur water treatment system

Heat exchange pump

    In the heat exchange pump water from the outside enters the heat exchange system.   The heat from the outside water is removed and added to Johns house as radiant heating in the floor or from hot air vents in the winter.   In the summer the system works in reverse cooling the house.  
   Another energy gathering  system is a solar water heating unit.  In the future John is adding photovoltaic panels to gather electrical energy.
Temperature underneath the floor supplied by the radiant floor heating running off of Heat Pump System

  The thermometer shows the temperature of 78.4 degrees surrounding the not yet insulated radiant floor heating system.

Raspberry Pi computerized controlling system

The Raspberry Pi is a small computer.
   Temperatures are measured and thermostats set to monitor the system and
make it more energy efficient.  The Raspberry Pi was programmed by Uncle John using Linux open source programming. The picture below shows a report generated by the Raspberry that shows the energy gathered, in this case from the solar water heater.
Report Generated by Raspberry Pie about BTUs gathered from solar roof panels

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Attracting Beneficial Insects to our Yards

Native Trout Lily

     Native spring blooming plants attract beneficial insects to your yard.   In the early spring, native plants like blood root, trout lily, and violets provide early season food for beneficial insects.  These insects will help protect your landscape over the season from some harmful pest insects.   Caterpillars that defoliate trees can be eaten by benefical insects that lay their eggs in harmful caterpillers.   These beneficial insects are called parasitoids.  Parasitoids can be small native wasps. Usually these wasps are so small you need a hand lens to see them.   In your landscape these beneficial insects can only survive with your help.   By not spraying with dangerous pesticides that kill all insects and by providing habitat and food for the beneficial insects by planting flowering perennials, shrubs, and trees, we can help make our world more chemical free. 
   Each one of us can help reestablish the balance of nature in our own backyard.